they are very good in migrating almost every object and even things that arenot object like user,groups ,holds etc.Extremely powerful suite of solutions.All the technical people are ex OT employess.Jeff Lang the chief technology officer is the guy who wrote the Workflow module.Dwayne Cornelius is the guy who wrote directory services.You could not go wrong with that kind of expertise.
Psuedo code if you were coding
Run SQL into source
Get result set
for each user/group check if target system has user/group
if not create by lapi.CreateUser/Group
XMLEXPORT/IMPORT does not create groups because they are not dtree can always buy an extension of the OI module that does this as well athough you would be exected to genearate the control files for them
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer and probably certfiable,Livelink ECM Champion 2008
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