Ok I am sure for some of you this will be an easy question. For those of you that think this please respond.
I have a project form that has a sub_form called members. The subform is filtered to show only cutomers interested in the currently displayed project. I am using a microsoft SQL 7 back end to hold all the data. The following code does not filter the records. The bigger problem is that as soon as I switched it from the access test app I tried it on to the live SQL info, I began recieving errors. Then the program no longer put in any info to a new email message instead I got
"You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column. (Error 3622)"
Please help with this. I am in real dire needs here. The following is the code I was using if you need more info please feel free to ask.
Thanks in Advance.
Private Sub Email_Click()
Set db = CurrentDb
SQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo_Members;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
Do While rs.EOF = False
email = email & rs!email & ";"
If email = "" Then
MsgBox "There are currently no client records listed under this category", vbExclamation, "E-Mail Error"
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , email, , , , True
End Sub
I have a project form that has a sub_form called members. The subform is filtered to show only cutomers interested in the currently displayed project. I am using a microsoft SQL 7 back end to hold all the data. The following code does not filter the records. The bigger problem is that as soon as I switched it from the access test app I tried it on to the live SQL info, I began recieving errors. Then the program no longer put in any info to a new email message instead I got
"You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column. (Error 3622)"
Please help with this. I am in real dire needs here. The following is the code I was using if you need more info please feel free to ask.
Thanks in Advance.
Private Sub Email_Click()
Set db = CurrentDb
SQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo_Members;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
Do While rs.EOF = False
email = email & rs!email & ";"
If email = "" Then
MsgBox "There are currently no client records listed under this category", vbExclamation, "E-Mail Error"
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , email, , , , True
End Sub