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built a new comp but monitor not showing anything...

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Technical User
May 28, 2003
I built my new computer tonight, which is cool, everything turns on, fan on the vid card is spinning, everything is wonderful...except my monitor only shows the self-test. When I turn the computer on, the monitor goes black for a second then goes back to the self test =((

anyone have any ideas?

Are u sure the card is seated properly? try removing and reseating the card.

Have u tried a different vid card to see if the original vid card is the problem?

What about bios video settings? PCI or AGP for initial device (or something similarly worded)

Other than that, mutter threatening words to the computer with either screwdriver or Linux install disk in hand.
If you have onboard graphics and have installed an AGP card Go into BIOS and disable onboard grahics and make sure PCI and AGP are enabled
Since my original post really didnt say much, I'll elaborate:

Im using an Asus A7N8X mobo with an Athlon xp 2600, thermaltake xaserIII v1000 case, thermaltake 480 watt silent purepower power supply with pfc, radeon 9500 pro. Everything is hooked up, the case fans spin, cpu fan spins, hard drives turn on...etc. I've tried re-seating the gfx card, but didnt do anything.

Whenever I turn on the computer, the monitor blinks for a second then goes back to its self test, saying that it's not properly hooked up to the computer. I've tried every different power cable (to hook the vid card power to the power supply), and even made sure that the video card wasnt on the fan controller circut.

At one point last night, for maybe 1 minute, I had the video card working, saw the ram count and everything, but didnt have a keyboard hooked up to go to the bios. After hooking a keyboard up, and turning the computer on, pressing del to get to the bios, nothign happened and eventually the problem started up again.

Later, I took out my radeon and put an old voodoo 4 in a pci slot, just to see if it was the video card or not. So I hooked everything up, turned on the computer, and the same problem occurred.

Any ideas?
This is a BIOS issue.

Look on the ASUS site to see if there is a jumper for disabling onboard video.

Look in the BIOS itself (without adapter board) to see if there is a selection between onboard, PCI, or AGP as the default monitor.

I know this will sound stupid, but plug your monitor into the motherboard video port, not your Radeon video adapter port.

Then configure it.
I'd love to do that, except my motherboard doesnt come with onboard video, and if it does I dont see it. And I just reset the bios with that one jumper so =/
I have a very similar problem myself.
I was playing a game on my computer that I built about 1 month ago when suddenly the power just went out to my computer and my monitor entered energy saving mode. I tried to restart it but now only the fans spin and the green light on the motherboard is on but the Power LED button on the front of the case doesnt light up nor does it perform a POST.

my specs are:
ASUS A7V8X Motherboard
Radeon 9700 pro
AMD Athlon XP 2400+
300w power supply
1 gig of ram
Windows 2000

It has been running like a dream til this afternoon when this happend any tips would be appreciated thank you.

Look at the ASUS site, as even if there is not onboard video, it may believe because of a jumper setting that it does.

Has happened more than once.
I'll look at the asus site, though I think i've checked what all the jumpers do in my mobo instruction book. Thanks guys.
I looked at the asus site and through the handbook, and see nothing about integrated video/jumpers =(. The FAQ on the Asus website says that the A7N8X has no integrated VGA.

Also, I've noticed that the computer doesnt beep when i turn it on, like (all that I've seen) others. It just turns on and nothin =(
o ya...my computer isnt doing the POST test at all...it just turns on and spins fans...=/

is this a mobo or a processer problem?

I tried unplugging everything (including ram/vid card) except the mobo and it still wouldnt do the POST test. =/

any ideas?
make sure that the processor and heatsink are seated properly, ive had very similar problems with my p3 650 and usually reseating the processor does the trick, also make sure the ram is seated properly and the motherboard on the pins properly

hope those help
You do not say if you are using a new hardrive or if you are using your hardrive from your previous machine.

If it is a hardrive from your previous machine Windows probably doesn't like it as windows has problems with mobo upgrades and you will have to reformat and clean install.
I had the same problem, with a system I built. I was using a Gigabyte MB, and a Geoforce Video. I ended up, taking everythin apart, re-attaching the MB, and then installing only the video, powering on,, and seeing what hapened. Then started adding boards and drive back one at a time. Yes I also, had to do a reinstall of XP, to get everything functioning again. You have to get it to the point where it POSTS,,, then keep adding pieces and parts one at a time..
This may be the Motherboard grounding out or short circuiting to the Metal Case. You can test a motherboard while it sits on a piece of cardboard with just the video card and a floppy and see if you get video.

You wouldnt be the first person to do something like just screwing down the motherboard to the metal mounting plate without using standoffs! This would be very bad.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
You also have to plug the CPU fan into the CPU fan plug on the motherboard.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
mudskipper has a good FAQ on the subject:


Make sure your reset CMOS jumper is back in the normal position, also.


It sounds like a grounding issue to me. Take everything out and see if it will boot with video without the motherboard in the case.
All of you are making wonderful suggestions. I'm planning on testing out all possible suggestions I've been given later on today, and hopefully I'll get a positive response.

I am hoping that it's just a grounding issue, cause I dont want to have to send my mobo back and wait another week =)

As for the hard drive, I'm using my old ones, and once I get my computer to POST I plan on formatting it =)

Thanks for the suggestions.

Hi cookeies2100,

Just wondering if you ever resolved this problem with the video on your system. I am having the same problem with the first system I built.
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