Hey folks, i'm building a table that has File fields, dependant on a number that the user inous, ie.. they type 5 and my script builds 5 file fields named Filename0, filename1, etc...
I simply use the value of request.form("num") and loop
Using the below code, i get the value from a hidden field, but it only works if i have just the one field. Can i use the above loop to make my javascript just as dynamic so it refers to multiple hidden fields?
I simply use the value of request.form("num") and loop
Using the below code, i get the value from a hidden field, but it only works if i have just the one field. Can i use the above loop to make my javascript just as dynamic so it refers to multiple hidden fields?
function DisplayImage(ImageName,ElementValue){
document.forms['myForm'].elements['hidden_ImgSrc'].value = ElementValue;