After years and years of procrastinating I have finally decided to bite the bullet and convert my ASP classic code to PHP. Some bits are relatively straightforward but I am having real problems understanding how best to work with the results of sql queries. In ASP classic I can dump the recordet into an array with GetRows() but in php it seems you can't do that and have to work with the recordset.
My ASP code:
My PHP code so far...
So the bit I am having trouble converting is:
So rather than working with an array called CatArray I am working with a recordset called $resourceCats and what I want to say (in pseudocode) is
If TrueValues > 0 And I am not on the last row of $resourceCats then add "OR to $sql
Any help gratefully received!
Thanks very much
After years and years of procrastinating I have finally decided to bite the bullet and convert my ASP classic code to PHP. Some bits are relatively straightforward but I am having real problems understanding how best to work with the results of sql queries. In ASP classic I can dump the recordet into an array with GetRows() but in php it seems you can't do that and have to work with the recordset.
My ASP code:
TBL.Open "SELECT RB_ResourceCats.CatID, RB_ResourceCats.CatName " &_
"FROM RB_ResourceCats " &_
"WHERE RB_ResourceCats.Visible='True' " &_
"ORDER BY RB_ResourceCats.OrderOnPage", DB
If Not TBL.EOF Then
End If
strSQL = "SELECT RB_Resources.ResourceID, RB_Resources.ResourceName, RB_Resources.ColHeadName, RB_Resources.AdminBook, " &_
"RB_Resources.CatID " &_
"FROM RB_Resources " &_
"LEFT JOIN RB_ResourceCats ON RB_Resources.CatID=RB_ResourceCats.CatID "
If ValidCatArray=True Then
For i=0 To UBOUND(CatArray, 2)
ShowCat=Request.QueryString("Cat"& CatArray(0, i))
If ShowCat="" Then ShowCat="true"
If ShowCat="true" Then
If TrueValues=0 Then strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE "
If TrueValues>0 And i< UBOUND(CatArray, 2)+1 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "OR "
End If
strSQL = strSQL & "RB_Resources.CatID=" & CatArray(0, i) & " "
End If
End If
My PHP code so far...
$sql = "SELECT id, name FROM rb_resourcecats WHERE visible=true order by orderonpage";
$resourceCats = $conn->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT rb_resources.id, rb_resources.name, rb_resources.colheadname, rb_resources.adminbook, "
. "rb_resources.category "
. "FROM rb_resources "
. "LEFT JOIN rb_resourcecats ON rb_resources.category=rb_resourcecats.id ";
if ($resourceCats->num_rows > 0) {
// output data of each row
while ($row = $resourceCats->fetch_assoc()) {
$ShowCat=$_GET["Cat" . $row["id"]];
if ($ShowCat() == "") { $ShowCat="true"; }
if ($ShowCat == "true") {
if ($TrueValues() == 0) {
$sql.="WHERE ";
So the bit I am having trouble converting is:
If TrueValues>0 And i< UBOUND(CatArray, 2)+1 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "OR "
End If
So rather than working with an array called CatArray I am working with a recordset called $resourceCats and what I want to say (in pseudocode) is
If TrueValues > 0 And I am not on the last row of $resourceCats then add "OR to $sql
Any help gratefully received!
Thanks very much