I need some help... how can I get Borland to make a mp.dll, here are the instructions off a web page.. Can you please explain how i can do this in borland.<br><br>How do I build the mp.dll file for multiplayer MODs?<br><br> Download the SDK zip file from one of the above sources and unzip it to a<br> directory of your choice. If you are using Microsoft Visual C++, click<br> on "File" then "Open Workspace" and browse to the directory where you<br> unzipped the SDK. Browse to the "dlls" folder and select the mp.dsw<br> workspace file. Click on "Open" to open the workspace. Click on "Build"<br> then "Build mp.dll" to build all the object files and the mp.dll file.<br> When the mp.dll file is built, the last step of the build process will<br> copy the mp.dll file to "\half-life\mp\dlls" (which probably doesn't exist<br> on your machine). To change this so that Microsoft Visual C++ copies the<br> mp.dll file to your MOD directory, click on "Project", then "Settings"<br> and scroll to the "Custom Build" tab. Change the description to something<br> like "Copying to dlls folder.". Change the "Build commands" to "copy<br> $(TargetPath) C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\Blastzone\dlls" (replacing Blastzone<br> with the name of your MOD directory) and click on "OK". If you click on<br> "Build" then "Build mp.dll" again, it should copy the mp.dll to your MOD's<br> dlls directory.<br><br>Thnx for the help im totaly lost<br><br>-Chris