I want to build a expression like this "J+T4+t2+te+T5+M" or "M+2t'+10T+J" the arranjement of the expression elements may change, like this "M+t2+T4+T5+te+J".
I use userform in VBA to build that, but the expression elements may change.I attach a file to see.
For arranjement i use one textbox whith "T" (for example) and another textbox whith the number position on expression (1, 2, 4, 5). How to "sort" the position textbox to build the expression whit the arranjement i want.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks in advance. Ak
I want to build a expression like this "J+T4+t2+te+T5+M" or "M+2t'+10T+J" the arranjement of the expression elements may change, like this "M+t2+T4+T5+te+J".
I use userform in VBA to build that, but the expression elements may change.I attach a file to see.
For arranjement i use one textbox whith "T" (for example) and another textbox whith the number position on expression (1, 2, 4, 5). How to "sort" the position textbox to build the expression whit the arranjement i want.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks in advance. Ak