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Build Error

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Oct 20, 2012
At runtime I want to generate a pagecontrol with a number of tabsheets, each tab sheet to have a StringGrid.
My code for doing so is:
ppc = new TPageControl(this);
ppc->Parent = this;
ppc->Align = alClient;
ppc->TabPosition = tpTop;

{ TabArray = new TTabSheet(this);
TabArray->PageControl = ppc;
TabArray->Name = AnsiString("TabArray") + IntToStr(i);
TabArray->Caption = sTitles;
TabArray->PageIndex = i;
TabArray->OnShow = TabOnShow;

GridArray = new TStringGrid(TabArray);
GridArray->Parent = TabArray;
GridArray->Align = alClient;
GridArray->ColCount = 8;
GridArray->RowCount = 2;
GridArray->DefaultRowHeight = 18;
GridArray->FixedRows = 1;
GridArray->FixedCols = 1;
GridArray->Name = "sg" + IntToStr(i+1);
GridArray->Width = 990;
My function for the "DoMouseUp" is as follows:
void __fastcall TfMainRecharges::DoMouseUp(TObject *Sender,
TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)

// code to go here

However when I make or build I get following error:

[c++ Error] MainRecharges.cpp(113):'fastcall TControl::DoMouseUp(TWMMouse & TMouseButton)' is not accessible

I canm't seem to work out how to get around this, is there a fix?

I am assuming that 'fastcall TControl::DoMouseUp(TWMMouse & TMouseButton)' is meant to be a call to the ancestor DoMouseUp method from the TfMainRecharges::DoMouseUp method.DoMouseUp. The problem is that there is no such method declared in TControl. The call I think you are looking for would be MouseUp, not DoMouseUp. And the parameters do no match up either; TControl::MouseUp takes the same parameters as your TfMainRecharges::DoMouseUp. Your call to TControl::DoMouseUp only has the one parameter, a reference to TWMMouse called TMouseButton??? I am pretty sure this was not what you wanted.
I was trying to do the same as I did earlier. You will notice in defining the TabArray a line "TabArray->OnShow = TabOnShow;"
which performs the OnShow event of the TabSheet. This works fine.

The function for this is as below:
void __fastcall TfMainRecharges::TabOnShow(TObject *Sender)
{ int i;

TTabSheet* tab_sender = dynamic_cast<TTabSheet*>(Sender);
if(tab_sender != NULL)
{ if(tab_sender == TabArray)
{ TabIndex = i;
bModified[TabIndex] = true;
bFileIsOpen[TabIndex] = true;
There is no Event or Method in TControl or any of it's descendants called DoMouseUp; There is an OnMouseUp event that you can assign an event handler to (which I think is what you may be actually trying to do), and a MouseUp Method that you can override.

Question: What is this line actually saying to the compiler?

GridArray->DoMouseUp; //access TStringGrid::DoMouse

I think what you actually want is:

GridArray->OnMouseUp = TfMainRecharges::DoMouseUp;

Many thanks.... "GridArray->OnMouseUp = TfMainRecharges::DoMouseUp;" is what I needed, fixed the problem.
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