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Build Dynamic Query SQL with Variables 1

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Mar 19, 2002

I have a table with the following fields:

UserID, User, 2003_Days, 2004_Days (etc.)

I want to build a dynamic query so that I can select either [2003_Days] or [2004_Days] based on the year of an input date.

I'm trying something like:


but get error messages.

I would appreciate any help with this!

Jim DeGeorge [wavey]

tblUser.[" & CStr(Year([InputDate])& "_Days]"
Create a empty query named myQRY

In a module, put this code

Public Sub DynamicQuery()
Dim strQuery as String, myValue as Date

On error goto error_handler ' I let you define it

MyValue = InputBox("Date ?")

mystr = "SELECT " & format(myValue,"yyyy") & "_Days FROM tblUser"

CurrentDb.QueryDefs("myQRY").SQL = myStr

End sub

... the query is updated
Hello Jim,

By the time I had figured this out you had already had some good responses but here it is anyway. I made a table with fields as you suggested:

UserID User 2003_Days 2004_Days
1 Jo 22 36
2 Bob 29 31
3 Tim 88 76

I then made the following parameter query:

SELECT tblUser.UserID, tblUser.User, IIf([Input Date]="2003","2003",IIf([Input Date]="2004","2004","Out of range")) AS [Year requested], IIf([Input Date]="2003",[tblUser]![2003_Days],IIf([Input Date]="2004",[tblUser]![2004_Days],"-")) AS Days
FROM tblUser;

When you run it, it asks for a year. If you enter 2003, it gives:

UserID User Year requested Days
1 Jo 2003 22
2 Bob 2003 29
3 Tim 2003 88

If you enter 2004, it gives:

UserID User Year requested Days
1 Jo 2003 36
2 Bob 2003 31
3 Tim 2003 76

If you enter a year with no data (e.g. 1999) it gives:

UserID User Year requested Days
1 Jo Out of range -
2 Bob Out of range -
3 Tim Out of range -

All the best

John Davy-Bowker
Hey, guys!

Thanks for responding so quickly. Star for Rick39 because he gave me the missing link to get my code to work. Enjoy the star!

Here's my actual Module code:

Function PersonalSummary()

Dim dbs As Database
Dim rsTemp As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String

Set dbs = CurrentDb()
strSQL = "SELECT tblInput.UserID, tblInput.InputDate, tblInput.InputText, First([FirstName] & ' ' & [LastName]) AS Employee, tblAllotment.[" & CStr(Year(Date)) & "_Days] AS vAllotment "
strSQL = strSQL + "FROM (tblInput INNER JOIN tblUser ON tblInput.UserID = tblUser.UserID) "
strSQL = strSQL + "INNER JOIN tblAllotment ON tblInput.UserID = tblAllotment.UserID "
strSQL = strSQL + &quot;WHERE(((tblInput.UserID) <> 26 And (tblInput.UserID) <> 4)) &quot;
strSQL = strSQL + &quot;GROUP BY tblInput.UserID, tblInput.InputDate, tblInput.InputText, tblAllotment.[&quot; & CStr(Year(Date)) & &quot;_Days] &quot;
strSQL = strSQL + &quot;ORDER BY tblInput.UserID, tblInput.InputDate, tblInput.InputText;&quot;

Set rsTemp = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Set rsTemp = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

End Function

Now I just have to work on getting the rsTemp values into my form. I tried setting the form's Record Source to &quot;=PersonalSummary()&quot; but that didn't work.

How do I do this part? This is very new to me. Thanks!

Jim DeGeorge [wavey]
You can't define recordsource = PersonnalSummary because there no value defined for PersonnalSummary()

... I don't really understand all your code, but if this recordset is necessary, you can define the form's recordet using Form.Recordset = rsTemp.Name while the recordset is still defined.
...Else, don't define this recordset and just define Form.Recordsource = strSQL
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