I'm not sure if this is possible but I hope someone can help me out.
Basically I have a table with company information and conditional values. Conditional Values can be '<=$100,>$1000' or '>$200,<$500'...
In my application, I will pass a company information and value arguments. For example, if I pass the value '2100' then I should be able to query the '<=$100,>$1000' and '>$200,<$500' rows. Which I have no idea how I can do this...
Does anyone has an idea on this? It looks like I need to build dynamic query for Conditional Values but...
Please share your idea.
Thank you!
Basically I have a table with company information and conditional values. Conditional Values can be '<=$100,>$1000' or '>$200,<$500'...
In my application, I will pass a company information and value arguments. For example, if I pass the value '2100' then I should be able to query the '<=$100,>$1000' and '>$200,<$500' rows. Which I have no idea how I can do this...
Does anyone has an idea on this? It looks like I need to build dynamic query for Conditional Values but...
Please share your idea.
Thank you!