Can someone confirm if the email alert is working on 11.0 Version. I do receive email from IP Office Voicemail Pro Server but the subject and the body is empty. In this case we do not use Forward or copy but Alert
Before the upgrade we did not have this complaint.
Did restart the VMPRO service but no solution
IP Office 500V2 build 849
VMPRO 481 Windows PC.
I wanted te reinstall and if did get this error below.
So most likely the previous installation was also bad. I removed the complete installation and cleaned the register and did tried to install 11.0 again. Same result. Removed all again and tried the 10.1 SP3 version same result. The installation of the 10.1 sp1 did worked for me
It seems that the installer file from the 11.0 and the latest release of 10.1 SP3 are corrupt on the website from Avaya. It has something to do with Permissions. I did also tried to run the following command lines
icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\/" /grant:r "Users
OI)(CI)M" /inheritance:e /T /Q
icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\/" /grant:r "Administrators
OI)(CI)M" /inheritance:e /T /Q
the installation will not succeed with these installers.
I even did tried to install the versions on a clean pc with the same result.
Before the upgrade we did not have this complaint.
Did restart the VMPRO service but no solution
IP Office 500V2 build 849
VMPRO 481 Windows PC.
I wanted te reinstall and if did get this error below.

So most likely the previous installation was also bad. I removed the complete installation and cleaned the register and did tried to install 11.0 again. Same result. Removed all again and tried the 10.1 SP3 version same result. The installation of the 10.1 sp1 did worked for me
It seems that the installer file from the 11.0 and the latest release of 10.1 SP3 are corrupt on the website from Avaya. It has something to do with Permissions. I did also tried to run the following command lines
icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\/" /grant:r "Users
icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\/" /grant:r "Administrators
the installation will not succeed with these installers.
I even did tried to install the versions on a clean pc with the same result.