I have Noticed a bug or problem or maybe its me. if you have a calandar control which defaults to August, since that is the current month now. But... you select a date in the top row which is the 29th a Sunday, that is July 29th not Ausgust. The Calendar.selecteddate value is August 29th. it is the wrong month. The calendar control assumes every day picked is the Month name showing in the top.
I was shown this by a co-worker testing my app. so it not just on my machine?
Is there a newer verion of the Calendar control? is there a way to know what version it is?
Is there a work around beside telling the user not to pick a date outside of the month showing?
I was shown this by a co-worker testing my app. so it not just on my machine?
Is there a newer verion of the Calendar control? is there a way to know what version it is?
Is there a work around beside telling the user not to pick a date outside of the month showing?