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Buffer Positions

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Jun 3, 2003
Is it possible to dynamically retrieve the buffer positions and length of all fields in a file? I posted a thread before about this, but had not mentioned this approach. If I could somehow dynamically populate a multi-dimensional array (or data structure) with field name, buffer position, and buffer length, I could then be given a field name and could use the corresponding buffer position/length to get the field value from the data structure. Any suggestions on how to do this?
You can get this if you DSPFFD to OUTFILE and then sort the outfile by fldname.

Or you could use the File field API.

This example (not mine) displays to the screen. You can modify to suit your needs.

Display file
     A*%%TS  SD  20050803  115601  E730BZ      REL-V5R2M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
     A                                      PRINT
     A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')
     A          R LSTFLDSFL                 SFL
     A            FNAME         10A  O  6  2
     A            FTYPE          1A  O  6 14
     A            FUSAGE         1A  O  6 18
     A            FLEN           4Y 0O  6 21EDTCDE(Z)
     A            FDEC           4Y 0O  6 26EDTCDE(Z)
     A            FTEXT         50A  O  6 31
     A          R LSTFLDCTL                 SFLCTL(LSTFLDSFL)
     A*%%TS  SD  20050803  115601  E730BZ      REL-V5R2M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      SFLSIZ(0017)
     A                                      SFLPAG(0016)
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A  91                                  SFLDSP
     A  90                                  SFLDSPCTL
     A  89                                  SFLCLR
     A  99                                  SFLEND(*MORE)
     A            RCDNBR         2  0H      SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR)
     A                                  1 27'List File Fields'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  3 20'Lib/File/Format:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A            ILIBFIL       31A  O  3 37
     A                                  5  2'Name'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  5 13'Typ'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  5 17'Use'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  5 22'Len'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  5 27'Dec'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  5 31'Text'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A          R LSTFLDFTR
     A                                 23  5'F3=Exit'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)

RPG program...
      *=============================================================== =
      * To compile:
      *=============================================================== =
      * List Record Formats
      *=============================================================== =
     FLstFldD1  CF   E             WORKSTN SFILE(LSTFldSFL:RRN1)
     D Cmds            PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D   command                    200A   const
     D   length                      15P 5 const

     D CmdString       S            200a
      * User Space Variables
     D qUserNm         S             20a
     D qText           S             50a
     D eXtAtr          S             10a    INZ('*JOB')
     D iNzSize         S             10i 0  INZ(5000)
     D iNVal           S              1a    INZ(X'00')
     D pUbAut          S             10a    INZ('*ALL')
     D rEplace         S             10a    INZ('*YES')
     D qStart          S             10i 0
     D qLen            S             10i 0
      * List Data Generic Header
     D HdrSection      Ds
     D  UserArea                     64
     D  GenHdrSiz                    10i 0
     D  StrucLevel                    4
     D  FormatName                    8
     D  ApiUsed                      10
     D  CreateStamp                  13
     D  InfoStatus                    1
     D  SizeUsUsed                   10i 0
     D  InpParmOff                   10i 0
     D  InpParmSiz                   10i 0
     D  HeadOffset                   10i 0
     D  HeaderSize                   10i 0
     D  ListOffset                   10i 0
     D  ListSize                     10i 0
     D  ListNumber                   10i 0
     D  EntrySize                    10i 0
      * Miscellaneous Variables
     D RRn1            S              5  0
     D lo              C                   'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
     D hi              C                   'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
     D IFile           S             10a
     D ILib            S             10a
     D IFmt            S             10a
     D SavRec#         S              2  0

      * Input format for API QUSLFLD
     D  IFormatName    S              8a
     D  IQFileName     S             20a
     D  IRecFmt        S             10a
     D  IOverride      S              1a

      * Output format for API QUSLFLD
     D FLDL0100        DS
     D  FieldName                    10a
     D  DataType                      1a
     D  Use                           1a
     D  OutBuffPos                   10i 0
     D  InBuffPos                    10i 0
     D  FldLen                       10i 0
     D  Digits                       10i 0
     D  Decimals                     10i 0
     D  FldText                      50a
     D  EditCode                      2a
     D  ColumnHead1                  20a
     D  ColumnHead2                  20a
     D  ColumnHead3                  20a
     D  IntrnlFldName                10a
     D  AltrnFldName                 30a
     D  LenAltFldNam                 10i 0
     D  NumDBCS                      10i 0
     D  NullsAllowed                  1a
     D  DateTimeFmt                   4a
     D  DateTimeSep                   4a
     D  VarLenFldInd                  1a
     D  FldTxtCCSID                  10i 0
     D  FldDtaCCSID                  10i 0
     D  FldClmCCSID                  10i 0
     D  FldEdtWCCSID                 10i 0
     D  UCS2DsplLen                  10i 0
     D  FldDtaEncSch                 10i 0
     D  MaxLrgObjFLn                 10i 0
     D  PadLenLgObj                  10i 0
     D  LenUsrDefNam                 10i 0
     D  UsrDefTypNam                128a
     D  UsrDefTypLib                 10a
     D  DataLinkCtl                   1a
     D  DataLinkInt                   1a
     D  DataLinkRd                    1a
     D  DataLinkWt                    1a
     D  DataLinkRcv                   1a
     D  DataLinkUnl                   1a
     D  DspPrtRow#                   10i 0
     D  DspPrtCol#                   10i 0
     D  RowID                         1a
     D  IDCol                         1a
     D  GennedBy                      1a
     D  IDColCycle                    1a
     D  IDColOStr                    31  0
     D  IDColCStr                    31  0
     D  IDColInc                     10i 0
     D  IDColMnVal                   31  0
     D  ODColMxVal                   31  0
     D  IDColCache                   10i 0
     D  Rsvrd                        11a

      * Generic API Error Data Structure
     D dsEC            DS
     D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
     D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
     D  dsECMsgID              9     15
     D  dsECReserv            16     16
     D  dsECMsgDta            17    256
     C     *Entry        Plist
     C                   Parm                    IFile
     C                   Parm                    ILib
     C                   Parm                    IFmt
     C                   If        IFile <> *Blanks
     C                              and ILib <> *Blanks
     C                   Exsr      UsrSpcRtns
     C                   Eval      ILibFil = %Trimr(ILib) + '/' + %Trimr(IFile)
     C                             + '/' + %Trimr(IFmt)
     C                   Dow       *In03 = *Off
     C                   if        Rrn1 > 0
     C                   eval      *In91 = *On
     C                   endif
     C                   Write     LstFldFtr
     C                   Exfmt     LstFldCtl
     C                   If        *In03 = *On
     C                   Leave
     C                   Endif
     C                   Enddo
     C                   Endif
     C                   Eval      *Inlr = *On
      * UsrSpcRtns - User Space Routines
     C     UsrSpcRtns    Begsr
     C                   Exsr      DltUsrSpc
     C                   Exsr      CrtUsrSpc
     c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
     C                   Exsr      ClrSfl
     C                   Else

     C                   Exsr      ExecAPI
     c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
     C                   Exsr      ClrSfl
     C                   Else

     C                   Exsr      RtvUsrSpcHdr
     c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
     C                   Exsr      ClrSfl
     C                   Else

     C                   Exsr      ClrSfl
     C                   Exsr      RtvUsrSpcDtl
     C                   Endif
     C                   Endif
     C                   Endif
     C                   Endsr
      * DltusrSpc - Delete User Space
     C     DltUsrSpc     Begsr
      * Create the Qualified User Space Name
     C                   Eval      qUserNm = 'LSTFLDS   QTEMP     '
     C                   Eval      qText = 'List File Fields'
      * Attempt to delete the user space first...
      * Just to clean it up
     C                   Call      'QUSDLTUS'                           50
     C                   Parm                    qUserNm
     C                   Parm                    dsEc
     C                   Endsr
      * CrtUsrSpc - Create User Space
     C     CrtUsrSpc     Begsr
     C                   Call      'QUSCRTUS'                           50
     C                   Parm                    qUserNm
     C                   Parm      *Blanks       eXtAtr
     C                   Parm      5000          iNzSize
     C                   Parm      *Blanks       iNVal
     C                   Parm      '*CHANGE'     pUbAut
     C                   Parm                    qText
     C                   Parm                    rEplace
     C                   Parm                    dsEc
     C                   Endsr
      * ExecAPI  - Execute API
     C     ExecAPI       Begsr
     C                   Eval      IQFIleName = IFile + ILib
     C                   Eval      IQfileName = %Xlate(lo:hi:IQfileName)
     C                   Eval      IRecFmt    = %Xlate(lo:hi:IFmt)
     C                   Call      'QUSLFLD'
     C                   Parm                    qUserNM
     C                   Parm      'FLDL0100'    IFormatName
     C                   Parm                    IQFileName
     C                   Parm                    IRecFmt
     C                   Parm      '0'           IOverride
     C                   Parm                    dsEc
     C                   Endsr
      * RtvUsrSpcHdr - Retrieve User Space Header Section
     C     RtvUsrSpcHdr  Begsr
     C                   Call      'QUSRTVUS'
     C                   Parm                    qUserNM
     C                   Parm      1             qStart
     C                   Parm      140           qLen
     C                   Parm      *Blanks       HdrSection
     C                   Parm                    dsEc
     C                   Endsr
      * RtvUsrSpcDtl - Retrieve User Space Details
     C     RtvUsrSpcDtl  Begsr
     C                   Eval      qStart = ListOffset + 1
      ** Loop through User Space for number of list entries returned
     C                   Do        ListNumber
     C                   Call      'QUSRTVUS'
     C                   Parm                    qUserNM
     C                   Parm                    qStart
     C                   Parm      EntrySize     qLen
     C                   Parm      *Blanks       FLDL0100
     C                   Parm                    dsEc
      * Write the Database Relastions Information to the Subfile
     C                   Exsr      BldSfl
     C                   Eval      qStart = qStart + EntrySize
     C                   Enddo
     C                   Eval      *In99 = *On
     C                   Endsr
      * Clear Subfile - CLRSFL
     C     ClrSfl        Begsr
     C                   eval      *In89 = *On
     C                   eval      *In90 = *Off
     C                   eval      *In91 = *Off
     C                   Write     LstFldCtl
     C                   eval      Rrn1 = 0
     C                   eval      *In89 = *Off
     C                   eval      *In90 = *On
     C                   Endsr
      * Build Subfile - BldSfl
     C     BldSfl        Begsr
     C                   eval      FName =  %Xlate(hi:lo:FieldName:2)
     C                   eval      Ftype = DataType
     C                   eval      FUsage = use
     C                   eval      Flen = FldLen
     C                   eval      FDec = Decimals
     C                   eval      FText   =  %Xlate(hi:lo:FldText:2)
     C                   Eval      *In99 = *On
     C                   eval      Rrn1 = Rrn1 + 1
     C                   Write     LstFldSfl
     C                   Eval      RcdNbr = 1
     C                   Endsr

I hope this helps...

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