I have a table called Risk, and there are 3 columns that I need for the bubble chart. They are RiskID, DateRaised and Criticality. There are also a further 3 fields (Client, PlatformID and ProjectID) which determine which Risk the belongs to which Project/Platform/Client. Client can have many Platforms, and Platform can have many Projects, and then Platform many Risks. I have included an excel file which shows Risks that I have at the moment, and at the moment there is only 1 client/platform, but 2 projects.
I have done a bubble chart already, but it doesn't display exactly how I want it. It seems to pair up Risks, so RiskId 31 and 32 are a pair, RiskID 33 and 34, and so on. I have also included a snapshot of the bubble chart. The bubble chart made is for ProjectID 10 only, as I have based the rowsource on a query, which is:
I want the Date Raised to be along the bottom, and Criticality along the side.
Any help will be much appreciated,
I have a table called Risk, and there are 3 columns that I need for the bubble chart. They are RiskID, DateRaised and Criticality. There are also a further 3 fields (Client, PlatformID and ProjectID) which determine which Risk the belongs to which Project/Platform/Client. Client can have many Platforms, and Platform can have many Projects, and then Platform many Risks. I have included an excel file which shows Risks that I have at the moment, and at the moment there is only 1 client/platform, but 2 projects.
I have done a bubble chart already, but it doesn't display exactly how I want it. It seems to pair up Risks, so RiskId 31 and 32 are a pair, RiskID 33 and 34, and so on. I have also included a snapshot of the bubble chart. The bubble chart made is for ProjectID 10 only, as I have based the rowsource on a query, which is:
TRANSFORM Sum(Criticality) AS SumOfCriticality
SELECT DateRaised
WHERE ProjectID = ?
GROUP BY DateRaised
PIVOT Riskid;
I want the Date Raised to be along the bottom, and Criticality along the side.
Any help will be much appreciated,