Anyone know why I get the error file.ddf not found at c:\programs files\data\ when I try to select the directory the files are in? If I select a directory the files are not in it gives no error. Please help?
Here is more info about spaces from the Pervasive help file:
Long File Name Support
Long file name support, including support for embedded spaces, has been added in the Pervasive.SQL Service Pack 3 for both the NetWare and Windows 32 environments. All references to files can contain embedded spaces and be longer than 8 bytes.
Previous versions of Btrieve allowed spaces to be added at the end of a file name in path-based operations such as Open and Create. This is still the default behavior. Existing applications will not break. However, if you want to take advantage of file and directory names with embedded spaces, change the Embedded Spaces setting for the Btrieve Requester to "Yes." In the registry, you can locate this setting under:
Even when you turn the option "Off," an application that accesses a file having a name with embedded spaces can enclose that name in double quotes while making the BTRV/BTRVID/BTRCALL/BTRCALLID call to open or create the file.
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