I am trying to build a bteq script which will generate
the multiload syntax by reading the dbc tables.
The problems is that the output from bteq keeps
appearing between selects.
Does anyone know how to suppress the messages from bteq ? messages like:
*** Finished at input row 4 at Wed Mar 27 13:34:56 2002
*** Total number of statements: 4, Accepted : 4, Rejected : 0
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
*** Total requests sent to the DBC = 4
I am trying to build a bteq script which will generate
the multiload syntax by reading the dbc tables.
The problems is that the output from bteq keeps
appearing between selects.
Does anyone know how to suppress the messages from bteq ? messages like:
*** Finished at input row 4 at Wed Mar 27 13:34:56 2002
*** Total number of statements: 4, Accepted : 4, Rejected : 0
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
*** Total requests sent to the DBC = 4