I was troubleshooting a BST Door Phone on a CICS 2.0 in the states for 1.5 hours and experienced weirdness.
-One time it's audio one way on one side, then its reversed another time.
-No OPEN button shows up (has a DOC onsite)
-F9*4 will not show it exists one time, then will another time.
We had the client ship it back to Toronto, then tested that BST on CICS with 2.0, same issues.
Tried 4.1, same issues
6.1, 7.1, all work well with BST.
Untested is 5.0
We have always thought BST was totally backwards compatible on Norstar.
I gather we have been lucky all this time to install BST only on newer CICS software versions.
But I do wonder about MICS, 3X8 & 6X16.
Toronto, Canada
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-One time it's audio one way on one side, then its reversed another time.
-No OPEN button shows up (has a DOC onsite)
-F9*4 will not show it exists one time, then will another time.
We had the client ship it back to Toronto, then tested that BST on CICS with 2.0, same issues.
Tried 4.1, same issues
6.1, 7.1, all work well with BST.
Untested is 5.0
We have always thought BST was totally backwards compatible on Norstar.
I gather we have been lucky all this time to install BST only on newer CICS software versions.
But I do wonder about MICS, 3X8 & 6X16.

Toronto, Canada
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