Anyone got some good browser usage stats? Here are the best I could find (as you can see results vary a LOT):
W3Schools: IE 86.6%
Google Zeitgeist: IE 86.9% (estimate)
(estimate in zeitgeist at IE 95.4%
( IE 70.47%
macedition (macs only): IE 11.19%
Got some more? Your own site's stats? (Our hosts' stats package is highly suspect - reporting wildly conflicting browser stats on the same page, so I won't bother).
Site note:
Here's a very good article about IE, css support, and how there won't be anymore standalone IE releases (as in, the next one will require an OS upgrade). I think browsers like Firebird (thread608-681568) are going to gain in popularity. Article:
Posting code? Wrap it with code tags: [ignore]
W3Schools: IE 86.6%
Google Zeitgeist: IE 86.9% (estimate)
(estimate in zeitgeist at IE 95.4%
( IE 70.47%
macedition (macs only): IE 11.19%
Got some more? Your own site's stats? (Our hosts' stats package is highly suspect - reporting wildly conflicting browser stats on the same page, so I won't bother).
Site note:
Here's a very good article about IE, css support, and how there won't be anymore standalone IE releases (as in, the next one will require an OS upgrade). I think browsers like Firebird (thread608-681568) are going to gain in popularity. Article:
Posting code? Wrap it with code tags: [ignore]