I am not sure the code syntax to pull a list of the Vendor records for criteria beginning with "ABC". This is similar to the SQL key word of "LIKE". The below code does not return vendor "ABC1" and "ABC2" from APVEND. What is the proper way to query? Thanks.
APVENDOR1header.Order = 0;
APVENDOR1header.Browse("VENDORID like 'ABC%'", true);
if (APVENDOR1header.Fetch() == true)
I am not sure the code syntax to pull a list of the Vendor records for criteria beginning with "ABC". This is similar to the SQL key word of "LIKE". The below code does not return vendor "ABC1" and "ABC2" from APVEND. What is the proper way to query? Thanks.
APVENDOR1header.Order = 0;
APVENDOR1header.Browse("VENDORID like 'ABC%'", true);
if (APVENDOR1header.Fetch() == true)