We have two fabrics in our environment, each with the primary being a Brocade enterprise 24000 switch. ISL'd to each 24000 switch are (1) brocade 3014- and (1) brocade 4016- silkworm switch, with each silkworm being set as subordinate to the primary. These silkworm switches are found within Dell Blade server chassis.
Our Windows group purchased a new Dell blade chassis, model M1000E, which comes with a new brocade model, m4424.
Can anyone think of any issues with ISL'ing this new m4424 to either of the 24000 switches ?
All existing switches have the full fabric license already enabled on them, and I'd plan on adding it to the m4424.
Our Windows group purchased a new Dell blade chassis, model M1000E, which comes with a new brocade model, m4424.
Can anyone think of any issues with ISL'ing this new m4424 to either of the 24000 switches ?
All existing switches have the full fabric license already enabled on them, and I'd plan on adding it to the m4424.