Technical User
Try the link below and mouse over the orange grids:
As you can see when you mouse over a grid block it turns yellow and text appears. I would like the text to appear over or "bring to front" in relation to the street lines and street text.
I would be happy to make the FLA available. I built it so the movie clip that has the mouse over efx is located below the street line layer - if i bring the movie clip above the street line layer the street lines will dispear which is not what i want.
As you can see when you mouse over a grid block it turns yellow and text appears. I would like the text to appear over or "bring to front" in relation to the street lines and street text.
I would be happy to make the FLA available. I built it so the movie clip that has the mouse over efx is located below the street line layer - if i bring the movie clip above the street line layer the street lines will dispear which is not what i want.