I have Lotus Notes server and it is running the notes agent.
I have set my job up and selected the notes database with the mailboxes etc. Security is correct.
If I run a separate job, it backs up just fine, but when it is included in my enterprise/corporate backup I receive the following error.
E8604 Failed to start backup. (dbname=transaction log, ec=internal error. Check error message transaction log.
After call Brightstor tech support, we have enabled a registry entry on the domino server from 0 to 3 so that the transaction log would log all details. Look in your agent keys for specific key entries.
I have sent the notesdba.trc to arcserve, but have not received any reply on how to fix issue.
Help! I need to be able to backup this mail server without incident.
I have Lotus Notes server and it is running the notes agent.
I have set my job up and selected the notes database with the mailboxes etc. Security is correct.
If I run a separate job, it backs up just fine, but when it is included in my enterprise/corporate backup I receive the following error.
E8604 Failed to start backup. (dbname=transaction log, ec=internal error. Check error message transaction log.
After call Brightstor tech support, we have enabled a registry entry on the domino server from 0 to 3 so that the transaction log would log all details. Look in your agent keys for specific key entries.
I have sent the notesdba.trc to arcserve, but have not received any reply on how to fix issue.
Help! I need to be able to backup this mail server without incident.