I am curious about others experiences with ARCserve 9 and Brick Level Backup of Exchange Server 2000.
I once experienced 80MB/Minute, but currently i only get 20MB/Min at the maximum.
BTW: Both on Backup Server and Exchane Server, Symantec Antivirus is running. I've seen some suggestions - CA also made it - that i disable antivirus while backing up, but eh.. IMHO ... that's hazardous nowdays.
Will it make big difference if i backup to DLT, S-DLT, LTO instead of DAT4?
I once experienced 80MB/Minute, but currently i only get 20MB/Min at the maximum.
BTW: Both on Backup Server and Exchane Server, Symantec Antivirus is running. I've seen some suggestions - CA also made it - that i disable antivirus while backing up, but eh.. IMHO ... that's hazardous nowdays.
Will it make big difference if i backup to DLT, S-DLT, LTO instead of DAT4?