I’m having trouble with my program. I’d used VB6 for ages, I’ve also done some work with VB.net, but I’m more new there. I just upgraded a project I had in VB6 to VB.net 2003, and I’m having a major problem. I have a full screen game programmed with DirectX 7. Yeah, sorry, I’ve been working on it for a while and haven’t needed to upgrade the DIrectX engine. Anyway, the problem is: once I get an error the window I’m in totally freezes. I can’t get it to minimize or break. (I tried hitting Control—Break and just about every other button.) What am I missing? How do a break a full screen application? (PS: It's not a problem with breaking, I can do that just fine in windowed apps. The Problem is I believe in the DirectX, DirectX is somehow blocking out keyboard functions...It's actually doing this all the time, so Breaking doesn't even work before an error has occured.)