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The navigation trail ("breadcrumb navigation," as in Hansel and Gretel's attempt to find their way home) is a great usability feature, and it's something that I include now in most designs. However, I'm currently in the process of redesigning a site at the moment with a few thousand pages in it, and I'm wondering ... [COLOR=660000]must the breadcrumb navigation be hardcoded, or are there any methods for dynamically generating it?[/color] Do you employ this feature on any sites you've designed? If so, by static or dynamic means? Most forums are strangely silent on this subject, and I'm beginning to think that everyone must be resigned to hardcoding this feature.
I'll be employing ColdFusion 4 in this site as well, and I'm considering using a <cfinclude> to place the navigation trail in the page headers. That's still not a means of generating the link trail itself, but including the separately-coded snippet might save me some work in certain sections of the site.
Please, anyone, let me know how you would/do implement this. Thanks very much.
[COLOR=003366]Home > Forum Areas > Programmers > Graphics & Web Tools > -Web Site Designers Forum[/color]
The navigation trail ("breadcrumb navigation," as in Hansel and Gretel's attempt to find their way home) is a great usability feature, and it's something that I include now in most designs. However, I'm currently in the process of redesigning a site at the moment with a few thousand pages in it, and I'm wondering ... [COLOR=660000]must the breadcrumb navigation be hardcoded, or are there any methods for dynamically generating it?[/color] Do you employ this feature on any sites you've designed? If so, by static or dynamic means? Most forums are strangely silent on this subject, and I'm beginning to think that everyone must be resigned to hardcoding this feature.
I'll be employing ColdFusion 4 in this site as well, and I'm considering using a <cfinclude> to place the navigation trail in the page headers. That's still not a means of generating the link trail itself, but including the separately-coded snippet might save me some work in certain sections of the site.
Please, anyone, let me know how you would/do implement this. Thanks very much.