I just received this machine as a replacement for a very very old ES450. I have Solaris 10 pre-installed. I was sort of stunned to see there's no way to connect a monitor to it and it didn't come with a keyboard or mouse. At any rate, I was able to get into it and configure some basic stuff via hyperterminal and the management port. It's on the network. I tried to create a user via the command line but can't figure out what happened password-wise. I can SU - newuserid and the home directory is OK but I can't log on directly with the ID because it asks for a password that I never set up. Seeing as I only have command line is there something I'm missing to fix this? I tried passwd newuserid as root but it still wanted newuserid's password. I can't use root via telnet nor can I use root on my XDMCP session hence the need for another id to get started with. At the Sun site, what would be the best manuals to start with for properly building this machine and it's services. I've managed Solaris in the past (8 most recently) but am rusty and need to re-train myself.
Thanks Very Much
Thanks Very Much