Hi All. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on this. Last month, we broke a portion of our point to point T1 line to handle both Voice and Data. The data portion of this project has been successful.
Our branch office is configured so that incoming calls are routed to our main office receptionist at Ext. 110 through the T1. On her 4422 phone, calls to our main office show on the line buttons, while calls coming in from the branch office show up on the left hand side (SA buttons, I believe), and the display will say "MIDLAND 772".
I was notified that calls from our branch aren't reaching our main office. Checking SMDR reports, it appears that a call hasn't been logged on the 8201 line in over a month!
I headed to the branch to investigate any line problems, and did find a loose RJ11 on one of the lines. I was able to call our branch office's main number and reach our receptionist at the main office. I figured the loose connection was the culprit, until I came into work today.
(I think I was able to reach her because I was actually on our main trunk phone number).
I ran a new PRINT ALL report, comparing it to a report created back in 2006 (before we split the T1). The only differences I could see is that now the CSU is configured with channels; whereas before it was blank:
A Slot 3
A CSU: Activated
A Assigned Channels: 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
A 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
A 22 23
A DSU: Activated
A Data Port 1
A Receive Clock: DTE
A Invert Transmit Clock: No
A Invert Receive Clock: No
A Invert Transmit Data: No
A Invert Receive Data: No
A Rate: 64 kbps
A Assigned Channels: 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
A 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
A 22 23
The channels above represent what we're using on the T1 for data. Is this an incorrect configuration? Should the DATA channels be on the DSU and the VOICE channels be on the CSU?
FWIW, "Data Channel Selection" under Lines/Trunks->CSU/DSU shows channels 1 through 5 on "Switch" (as well as channel 24), and channels 6 through 23 on "router".
If any other information may be needed, I'll provide it as quickly as possible.
Thanks very much!
Our branch office is configured so that incoming calls are routed to our main office receptionist at Ext. 110 through the T1. On her 4422 phone, calls to our main office show on the line buttons, while calls coming in from the branch office show up on the left hand side (SA buttons, I believe), and the display will say "MIDLAND 772".
I was notified that calls from our branch aren't reaching our main office. Checking SMDR reports, it appears that a call hasn't been logged on the 8201 line in over a month!
I headed to the branch to investigate any line problems, and did find a loose RJ11 on one of the lines. I was able to call our branch office's main number and reach our receptionist at the main office. I figured the loose connection was the culprit, until I came into work today.
(I think I was able to reach her because I was actually on our main trunk phone number).
I ran a new PRINT ALL report, comparing it to a report created back in 2006 (before we split the T1). The only differences I could see is that now the CSU is configured with channels; whereas before it was blank:
A Slot 3
A CSU: Activated
A Assigned Channels: 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
A 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
A 22 23
A DSU: Activated
A Data Port 1
A Receive Clock: DTE
A Invert Transmit Clock: No
A Invert Receive Clock: No
A Invert Transmit Data: No
A Invert Receive Data: No
A Rate: 64 kbps
A Assigned Channels: 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
A 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
A 22 23
The channels above represent what we're using on the T1 for data. Is this an incorrect configuration? Should the DATA channels be on the DSU and the VOICE channels be on the CSU?
FWIW, "Data Channel Selection" under Lines/Trunks->CSU/DSU shows channels 1 through 5 on "Switch" (as well as channel 24), and channels 6 through 23 on "router".
If any other information may be needed, I'll provide it as quickly as possible.
Thanks very much!