we have an old BP 250 System, which normally worked fine; PRM. is 18,
now for a long period the VMU-HD caused Errors (see images maintance logs below) and then need to be restarted after 3-4 days of working stable; it seems to me, that the CPUD-5 recognize the fail funktion,try to restart the modul and failed/ or lost connection; so i have to shutdown/restart the modul manually over BMS and the it works again, but producing errors (same type) immidiatly; after a time there comes buffer oveflow..
any idear, what caused these type of error, or what to check ? ; i had to say, that i have no experiences of doing traces in the system, but would try it, if not to difficult.
or does this point, that the modul had a malfunktion and i should better swap it; have some (used) other moduls there..; i remember, that only eproms and store medium have to be changed to new modul, is that right?
2. annoter question: what is maximum of base dect station in sxstem; we have 3 ICLUs and 20 Bas stations (with power from backplane) at this time; can this be enlarged, when working with local power
Thanks for any advice in advance.
we have an old BP 250 System, which normally worked fine; PRM. is 18,

any idear, what caused these type of error, or what to check ? ; i had to say, that i have no experiences of doing traces in the system, but would try it, if not to difficult.
or does this point, that the modul had a malfunktion and i should better swap it; have some (used) other moduls there..; i remember, that only eproms and store medium have to be changed to new modul, is that right?
2. annoter question: what is maximum of base dect station in sxstem; we have 3 ICLUs and 20 Bas stations (with power from backplane) at this time; can this be enlarged, when working with local power
Thanks for any advice in advance.