Hi Everybody,
I have been trying to write a script that takes an argument, the script should determine what permissions the owner,group and other has of the file passed in.
I need your help kindly assist
What I have been able to do is as follows
echo -n ''Enter filename''
read file
[-r $owner] $$ R=''Read = yes'' | | R=''Read = no''
I don't know how to proceed if am right.
I have been trying to write a script that takes an argument, the script should determine what permissions the owner,group and other has of the file passed in.
I need your help kindly assist
What I have been able to do is as follows
echo -n ''Enter filename''
read file
[-r $owner] $$ R=''Read = yes'' | | R=''Read = no''
I don't know how to proceed if am right.