Assuming tblbib and tblprior are tables you can't get there from here.
I don't know where your IIF() statement is so I kind of have to stab in the dark.
If you are in VBA code in a form or report, you might be able to include the tables in the recordsource, then you'd have access to the fields, although you'd have to give them different aliases.
If you are not in a form or report you will have to declare recordset objects and set them to the tables, then you will need to move to the appropriate records using .seek or .findfirst. Alternatively you could use a query to return the specific record.
And, this might be your problem: you have the IIF() statement incomplete. You don't have the 'false' part. It should look something like this:
IIF([ISSN]=[ISSNprior], True, False)
"The Key, The Whole Key, and Nothing But The Key, So Help Me Codd!"
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