Anyone have suggestions on whether or not to take both exams on the same day? I think it would be easier to focus on one at a time, but many people suggest taking them both on the same day. What do you suggest?
Back when I wrote the A+ exams I took them both the same day - mind you at that time they were 70 question exams and I was exhausted at the end of it.
Whether to take them both at the same time or separately really depends on you. Some people prefer to take them both at the same time because a lot of the material overlaps - while others prefer to take the exams separately to give themselves a break in between. Tracey Rosenblath
AKA Paisleyskye
I took both exams in just a half hour.
When I took the exams I registered for Hardware at 1:00PM and OS tech at 3:00PM. After I finished the Hardware part in about 12minutes, I went out for a smoke, and then went back in, asked the testing center lady if I had to wait a couple hours or I could take it right away, and she let me take it and I finished it in like 15minutes.
Those were adaptive versons, and got the Congratulations pages after solving 30 questions.
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I will take the first one by itself just to get a feel for the test because this will be my first one. That way, I can see if I'm really prepared without wasting any more money than I have to. Thanks again!
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