I have a backup T1 in a 100DS1 module (slot 4) and a PRI in a 100DCD board (slot 5). I am currently experiencing frame slips and misallignments which are most likely due to the carrier anyway (their router is showing framing errors and service dropped out this morning), but i did stumble across a strange clocking issue with my magix R3. My clocks were set up wrong to begin with. When i changed them I set the PRI (slot 5 DCD) to be the primary and to sync with the loop and I set the backup T1 (slot 4) to be the secondary and to sync locally. When i go through maintenance to check to status of the clocks they both show that the clocksync is loop the dcd is active and the DS1 is not active. Does the primary clock have to be the first slot w/ a T1 and the secondary a latter slot or is this ok the way i have it set up?