Hey guys Doin' a small site for a project. Runnin' into a problem or two.
After clicking one of the links in the nav, and loading a new page. A small border artifact about 5px is created on the bottom and on the right. It's fine when the page loads from the address bar, or when you press refresh. The error always happens offline, but occasionally doesn't make the artifact on the right side whilst online.
Here's the URL if you'd like to see the error in action
And here's what the source looks like for all the pages (but without the long paragraphs.)
(Sorry if this post is a bit too big.)
Any advice for this problem?
After clicking one of the links in the nav, and loading a new page. A small border artifact about 5px is created on the bottom and on the right. It's fine when the page loads from the address bar, or when you press refresh. The error always happens offline, but occasionally doesn't make the artifact on the right side whilst online.
Here's the URL if you'd like to see the error in action
And here's what the source looks like for all the pages (but without the long paragraphs.)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Vampiric Lore - A Half-Life 2 Modification</title>
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Any advice for this problem?