I was looking at my bootlog file.<br>I noticed the following:<br><br>LoadStart = c:\windows\fonts\Tt1027m_.ttf<br>LoadFail = c:\windows\fonts\Tt1027m_.ttf Failure code is 0016<br><br>LoadStart = c:\windows\fonts\Bavand.ttf<br>LoadFail = c:\windows\fonts\Bavand.ttf Failure code is 0016<br><br>[00160E00] Loading Vxd = ndis2sup.vxd<br>[00160E00] LoadFailed = ndis2sup.vxd<br><br>[00160EF0] INITCOMPLETE = SDVXD <br>[00160EF0] INITCOMPLETEFAILED = SDVXD <br><br>[00162401] Loading Vxd = ndis2sup.vxd<br>[00162402] LoadFailed = ndis2sup.vxd<br><br>Can anyone explain the significance of these messages?<br>Are any of them serious?<br>What would cause failure code 0016 error?<br><br>