I am a Unix/Novell/Windows admin who just received a PowerBook 5300c to learn the Mac OS on. It has version 7.5.3 of the Mac OS on the laptop. The PowerBook has a floppy drive. I ran the Mac OS Disk First Aid to check the hard disk, and it said to run repair. I can't run repair on this disk, because it is the startup disk and the Mac OS says it is locked. Is there a way to create a bootable floppy disk with Disk First Aid on it, that will allow me to fix the hard drive errors? What is the normal procedure? In Windows, I would format a floppy disk with the necessary boot files, (command.com, io.sys, and msdos.sys) and add a couple of utilities to the disk - scandisk and defrag. Any help would be appreciated.
Iolair MacWalter
Iolair MacWalter