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Boot Issue - HDD Error

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Technical User
Nov 2, 2002
I'm helping troubleshoot a desktop. Specs are:

Soyo Dragon Mobo
AMD XP+1900
512mb Corsair RAM
100gb Seagate 7200RPM
250mb Zip
48x CD-RW
16x DVD
Floppy, ETC.

I know not everything I posted may be needed, but just in case...

I helped build this system about 8 months ago for a Doctor who works with my wife... He is the type that knows a little about computers and therefore is dangerous. To make a long story short, in the last 8 months he has reloaded winxp probably 5 times because he messes with it to a point that it won't boot. (Just a bit of background info)

The problem:
He dropped the computer off to me a few days ago and I really just got time yesterday to mess with it... The entire case was 1 big dustball... The heatsink fins were completely covered with dust to a point where the fan wasn't cooling the system at all. At 1st I was worried that he had fried the processor, but there is no visible scarring on the CPU surface (I know this doesn't mean the CPU isn't damaged). I replaced the heatsink and fan w/ a new AMD approved Antec setup he purchased and I can get further into the boot process, but now when I boot to the WinXP CD and try to 'repair' the current install, I get a HDD error. I loaded a Win98SE boot disk and ran fdisk to check on the partitions, but the 100GB drive is only being recognized as a 30GB. The previous FAT was FAT32, not NTFS so I figured I wouldn't have a problem recognizing the format... Sidenote: he did have 5 partitions on the HDD (I read somewhere that 4 or more partitions can cause trouble).

Without trying to boot to the CD, I'd get 1/2 way into the boot process and the machine would restart.

In the BIOS, the CPU temp is 44C.

Sorry for being longwinded, but I figured I'd offer more than less information.

5 partitions haven't in my experience made any problems...but you're most likely looking at an fdisk, format and reinstall.
What HD error specifically?
If you get the good Dr. on the road again, get him some imaging ability for the hard drive and burn a bootable CD for him to recover with when he overdinks the system.
I'd flush the BIOS or otherwise install the defaults there so you don't have to worry about those settings queering out the boot...
There may indeed be a problem with the hd...and maybe the mfr.'s diagnostics will help...
Scandisk on the surface might show it up...but for the time involved I'd go ahead and run mfr.'s troubleshooting stuff on it to be sure. That would eliminate that worry.
Temp is not a real concern where you're running. I've never had a problem with the stock coolers (almost said cookers!) that come with retail boxed chips...but understand going with a better cooler.

(rhetorical question?)
Why do we get involved with these friend of a wife/brother/mother deals where we make a career out of bailing them out?
I was mistaken on the HDD manufacturer... It is a Western Digital... I've dl'd the diag tools and have so far finished the basic test (The extended test is running now).

No problems were encountered with the basic test.

The exact error message is displayed after booting to the WinXP CD (after the startup tools load and the 'Starting Windows' message appears)

The message is in a dark blue screen, with a generic white font stating:

"A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run chkdsk /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart you computer.

Technical Information:
(OxF898963C, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)"

As far as the suggestions from the error message are concerned, there are no newly installed hard drives or controllers, the drive is recognized correctly by the BIOS so I figured it was configured correctly, I've only experienced terminating drives with SCSI (this is IDE) and I don't know where to run chkdsk /F from... unless it will load w/ a Win98SE boot disk. As far as a virus is concerned, the partitions of the drive were removed w/ fdisk and then reset using the 30GB max that fdisk would recognize (I figured I'd keep a 30GB partition as C and use the rest as a D after I got WinXP to load) then the drive was formatted. Unless a virus hit the mbr (which I'm dreading) then a virus shouldn't be the problem... I'll update this thread later with info from Western Digital's extended test.

Thanks for the input...

Well... I'm just about positive that it isn't a HDD issue... I replaced the drive with a spare I had laying around (6GB) that I had recently pulled from an old Win98 machine. My next thoughts are either the processor itself, or possibly some bad RAM.

Anyone out there ever 'partially' fry a processor?
Or have RAM that would work up until a certain point, then quit?

I've seen processors that have certain parts bad cause stuff like this. But more often I've seen memory do it.
You might want to try other O/Ss on the machine. Like a 95, 98, or 2K. Since they are smaller you might get further into the install which might be an indication of memory problems. And of course, reseating stuff on the M/B. Ed Fair
Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.
OK... Just loaded win98 with no problems... The entire install kicked off with no problem. I then tried to install XP from within 98... The install rebooted the machine and then failed in the middle of the 'Starting Windows' screen just like usual.
As per the data given, Memory is prime suspect. and secondary the M/B. Try replaceing the RAM if available or try failsafe setting in BIOS i.e. reducig speed of RAM, removing Burst write, delayed transaction and interleaving etc. Disabling the quickboot and testing whole memory in BIOS setup may help.

Many times the Cache on board causes the problem, just try reducing its speed and by even disabling it. this will slow the PC many fold but will lead you to the problem area.

You loaded Win98 successfully but try to run some large programs to check it. I am sure you will get error by running some programs togather. If so just follow the upper paragraphs.

Crisis Averted
Problem Solved
Status change from SNAFU to semi-SNAFU

yeah, its fixed.

Of all things it could've been, it was the CD-RW.
Very weird indeed... But let this be a lesson (because it is obviously one that I forgot)

Always strip the machine to the bare essentials when troubleshooting. I didn't need the CD-RW hooked up in order to load WinXP, but I assumed that it couldn't be causing the problem. Hope this helps someone else...

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