Hey all!
Someone asked me about bookmarking their site. They want it so that when you bookmark the site from any page you're on, the bookmark will always take you to the main homepage. IE, if you're here: and you bookmark it, it'll bookmark rather than the individual page, as the content changes quite often. I've got one solution where where I insert some javascript so when you click on the link it bookmarks it:
<a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(' Site!')">Bookmark Us!</a>
However, this only works in IE. Is there any other way so you don't have to click a link, but it'll just force the Bookmark URL to be one I specify??
I considered frames, but it doesn't seem to work! Even bookmarking a page with frames seems to take me back to the frame page with the pages loaded into the frame that I bookmarked! I hope I explained that OK.
Any ideas? I assume another bit of JavaScript is what I need! Thanks a lot for your help!!
Someone asked me about bookmarking their site. They want it so that when you bookmark the site from any page you're on, the bookmark will always take you to the main homepage. IE, if you're here: and you bookmark it, it'll bookmark rather than the individual page, as the content changes quite often. I've got one solution where where I insert some javascript so when you click on the link it bookmarks it:
<a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(' Site!')">Bookmark Us!</a>
However, this only works in IE. Is there any other way so you don't have to click a link, but it'll just force the Bookmark URL to be one I specify??
I considered frames, but it doesn't seem to work! Even bookmarking a page with frames seems to take me back to the frame page with the pages loaded into the frame that I bookmarked! I hope I explained that OK.
Any ideas? I assume another bit of JavaScript is what I need! Thanks a lot for your help!!