I ma brand new tp PageMaker, but I hope it can help me with a problem I have printing booklets
A brief description:
Currently I creating a booklet from 1 sided masters. I print these masters from a pdf then scan them into a Ricoh 1105 printer. I use the printer to manually set the changes I need made to the scanned masters and a booklet is created. This wasteful as I throw out the printed masters once they are scanned into the printer. We print and throw away 1000's of masters a year
My question:
Can PageMAster take a pdf document and convert it into a booklet format so that I can send a soft copy of the PDF in it's new booklet format straight to the printer?
If not PageMaster then perhaps another product ?
thanks for any replys
I ma brand new tp PageMaker, but I hope it can help me with a problem I have printing booklets
A brief description:
Currently I creating a booklet from 1 sided masters. I print these masters from a pdf then scan them into a Ricoh 1105 printer. I use the printer to manually set the changes I need made to the scanned masters and a booklet is created. This wasteful as I throw out the printed masters once they are scanned into the printer. We print and throw away 1000's of masters a year
My question:
Can PageMAster take a pdf document and convert it into a booklet format so that I can send a soft copy of the PDF in it's new booklet format straight to the printer?
If not PageMaster then perhaps another product ?
thanks for any replys