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Bomberman Clone

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Apr 7, 2001
Hello all! I'm in the midst of creating a bomberman clone for the PC. It will have multiplayer capability (useing a script on a unix server as the server). The graphics will be quasi-3D...2.5D if you will (3D character models on a 2D background with 3D objects eg. boxes, powerups, bombs). Ok, to the point. Obviously this is not a very complex program, the script is probably more complex. I'm asking for some suggestions on whether this would be a project more suitable for VC++ or VB. Please, give me your opinions here (non bias if you can help it ;-) ). Rob
"Programming is like art...It makes me feel like chopping my ear off."

- Currently down
Hi there,

To be honest, if you wanna do a great Graphic stuff so you're not supposed to use MFC under VC++. In fact, you have to use API now it's up to you. If you're ready so I suggest you to do it by API otherwise stick to VB hmmm. Although if I were you I would do it by VC++ using API or DirectX libraries and other stuff like that which helps you to implement a great program. So it's up to you.
Good Luck
I am (for the most part) familiar with DirectX implimentation in VC++ (I'm not that familiar with Direct3D yet...big emphasis on the yet). I'm not at all familiar with useing DirectX within VB...I'm not sure if it's even possible. I don't want the program to be overly complex, at least not for the first version...The basic requirements of the program are as follows, hopefully this will help you with your suggestions ;).

A "map" grid system that can make image calls from a binary file for the background "tiles" (2D). Objects (boxes, power-ups, bombs) will overlay on tom of the background. I would also prefer the images to be stored within the exe, or binary file (they will most likely be binary format). The character will also overlay, but will "animate" dependent on the keypress event, and also move across the background. Boundries must be set dynamicaly (at run time) to determine where the character can walk, as the "boxes" (things you can blow up) will be seudo-randomly arranged (certain spaces cannot contain boxes, eg. 5 spaces in a + shape from where the character starts). Each "map" will also have it's own set of wav and midi sound files that will play at certain events. And now, the big part ;). The game will be designed mainly for online play. The program must be able to interpret a string transfered via telnet and preform functions per a built in "scripting language". It will have to support up to 8 players in a game, and be able to determine if one or more of those players are lagging (eg. if other players see that person get "blown up" because of lag, but the lagging player was actually not blown up, then preform a little animation of the guys but on fire and running untill the lag passes...or something along those lines).

Yes, I know, sounds a LOT like bomberman online for the dreamcast...that's because that is the exact game I'm baseing it off of. I love the game, and am tired of playing on a 24.4 modem dreamcast, and I'd like to add quite a few more things (a map editor, for one). Anyway, now that I've writen a novel...proceed ;)

Achoo.... Rob
"Programming is like art...It makes me feel like chopping my ear off."

- Currently down
I am by no means a graphics developer. I did however get my hands on Microsoft's DirectX 8.1 SDK. It has several sample projects that do some neat things. I don't know how indepth you are planning to get but the SDK is free from MS and may give you a good place to sample some code and effects to point you in a direction. Good Luck Anything is possible, the problem is I only have one lifetime.
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