Page maker newbie here.
I have a business card template that performs a merge with a .txt file.
On the business card, the person's information builds from the bottom of the card up. They can have up to three different phone numbers and the address is optional. The Name must be in bold. Since I don't know what line the Name is going to be on, I wondering if I can "wrap" the text with some kind of character codes so it is bolded (the template does have Styles defined).
This information is passed from a user entered web page, so at that point I know what field is the person's Name field. When I display the preview to the user on the web page, I wrap the Name text with the HTML "<b>" and "</b>" character codes and it displays in bold.
When the text field is created for the PageMaker merge, are there certain character codes that can be "wrapped" around the Name text so that it will display in bold.
Thank you very much for your time in advance.
I have a business card template that performs a merge with a .txt file.
On the business card, the person's information builds from the bottom of the card up. They can have up to three different phone numbers and the address is optional. The Name must be in bold. Since I don't know what line the Name is going to be on, I wondering if I can "wrap" the text with some kind of character codes so it is bolded (the template does have Styles defined).
This information is passed from a user entered web page, so at that point I know what field is the person's Name field. When I display the preview to the user on the web page, I wrap the Name text with the HTML "<b>" and "</b>" character codes and it displays in bold.
When the text field is created for the PageMaker merge, are there certain character codes that can be "wrapped" around the Name text so that it will display in bold.
Thank you very much for your time in advance.