Ok, I am not much of a programmer, but have a vbscript page which I believe is also using html. I need the first line in one particular area to be bold. I have searched and tried various tags, but nothing seems to work.
Below is the excerpts from the code. The 1st two lines are at the top of the page (more lines between them) then a bunch of pstrWrite lines and the msg_text line below needs to be bold for the first line that is printed, but not the remaining lines. Any help would be appreciated because I cannot seem to find anything that is working for me.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
pstrWritetop = "<html>"
do while not adoRS.EOF
pstrWrite = pstrWrite & "<TR><TD><h2>" & adoRS("msg_title") & "<br></h2></font>"
pstrWrite = pstrWrite & adoRS("msg_text") & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
Below is the excerpts from the code. The 1st two lines are at the top of the page (more lines between them) then a bunch of pstrWrite lines and the msg_text line below needs to be bold for the first line that is printed, but not the remaining lines. Any help would be appreciated because I cannot seem to find anything that is working for me.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
pstrWritetop = "<html>"
do while not adoRS.EOF
pstrWrite = pstrWrite & "<TR><TD><h2>" & adoRS("msg_title") & "<br></h2></font>"
pstrWrite = pstrWrite & adoRS("msg_text") & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf