In the following character string " My name is James Brown" I want to have the name 'Brown' in bold or italic. Is ther a function like upper() or how to manage it?
You must either use an ActiveX control (such as the Rich Text control suggested by Borislav), or break the string into multiple controls. For example, you could create two labels, one containing "My name is" and the other "Brown". Then you would set the second label's FontBold to .T.
I know this is a bit clumsy, but the fact is that the VFP native control's only have one set of formatting properties.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Similar to Mike's suggestion above I have used the following approach within VFP Reports.
Note, as Mike says - it is clumsy, but it works.
On the VFP Report Form I place a fixed Text string with a Normal Font
"My name is "
Then just at the end of that text string I place variable Textbox which will use a BOLD Font. The variable holds the person's name. Joe Brown
NOTE - mixing Normal Font & BOLD Font in this manner may result in some un-expected text placements when the document finally prints out. Make a lot of preliminary tests using Preview mode to get the Left/Right placement of the TextBox where you want it to be.
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