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body mouseout is called for each element

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Aug 2, 2002
I want to detect when the mouse laves the main window of the doucmnet, ie goes up to the toolbar, or down to the status bar etc. I've added an onmouseout to the body tag, but it's begin called each time I mouse over an element in the document, eg a div or a table. I haven't tried it with inline elements such as anchor tags etc, but why is it being called at all at this point. Shouldn't it just be called when the mouse leaves the body, after all the body contains all those elements so the mouse is still in there.

can anybody help at all ... PLEASE

Shouldn't it just be called when the mouse leaves the body

You would have thought so, given that the name is "onmouseout"... But it does fire when the mouse is no longer directly over the body... And when the mouse is over an element, it is not directly over the body... so the event fires.


Thanks Billy Ray. So is there any way around this at all? Basically all I want to do is detect when the mouse is no longer within the body of the document. But I don't want to go adding code to every element in the document unless absolutely necessary
You could put a big div over the whole page, absolutely positioned and invisible, and then do the onmouseout on that, or so it would seem.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle
Nevermind that idea.

You could play around with this:
function doIt(e)
if (!e) e=window.event;
winHeight = (document.documentElement) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight;
if(e.pageY<=1 || e.pageY>(winHeight-2)) {alert('come back');}
else {return false;}
calling it like [tt]onMouseMove="doIt(event)"[/tt]

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle
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