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BO Enterprise XI, Viewer Hyperlink from Infoview error 1

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Mar 31, 2006
We are running BOE XI on a WindowsServer 2003 box using IIS 6. The clients are all WinXP.
I have used the Hyperlink (Add place holder) in the "send to email" destination in Infoview successsfully to have an instance of a report mailed to users. We also use SSO. However, after a recent update (latest BOXI and Common XI update)the links no longer work. I have tried everything recommended by BO to no avail. On clicking a link, e.g

the browser returns:

"An error has occurred: An unknown error has occurred."

How can I troubleshoot the problem? Or is there a known solution? I believe the problem is with openDocument.aspx in the scrript directory of Infoview, but I don't know where to start and would be grateful for any assistance
Here is the source of original openDocument.aspx. I have had similar problem and noticed that my openDocument.aspx was corrupted. Make a backup cpyu and paste the follwoing code in openDocument.aspx and see if it helps.
Response.Expires = -1;
Response.ContentType = "text/html";
Response.Charset = "UTF-8";
<!--#include file="tools/utils.aspx" -->
var bFindCharset = true; //false: no guessing is done with charset for the incoming query string, use the one defined by sCharset variable
//true: will try to read an optionnal parameter &charset= to determine charset encoding
var sForceCharset = "UTF-8"; //charset by default, change this to support legacy OpenDocument URLs not url-encoded with UTF-8
//empty string "" would mean to use the default charset on this platform
var sCharset = new String(sForceCharset);
if (bFindCharset) {
var sCharsetTemp = "" + Request.QueryString("charset");
if (sCharsetTemp != "undefined") { //if the param exists it MUST have a valid charset name value, otherwise the behavior is not certain...
sCharset = sCharsetTemp;

//switch to the corresponding codepage for reading query string parameters
//currently only a limited number of codepage are supported...
if (sCharset.toLowerCase() == "iso-8859-1") Session.CodePage = 1252;
else if (sCharset.toLowerCase() == "shift-jis") Session.CodePage = 932;
else if (sCharset.toLowerCase() == "iso-2022-kr") Session.CodePage = 949;
else if (sCharset.toLowerCase() == "gb2312") Session.CodePage = 936;
else if (sCharset.toLowerCase() == "big5") Session.CodePage = 950;
else Session.CodePage = 65001;

//see spec bluecanal
//Description :
//Properties :

/* Here is the exhaustive list of supported query string parameter as defined in latest spec (CB0)
* sRepoType (legacy: RepoType)
* sRepo (specific CB0)
* sPath (specific CB0)
* sDocName (legacy: sDoc)
* sAlternateDocName (secific CB0)
* sType (legacy: sTyp, legacy values: "W"qy, "R"ep, "B"qy)
* sIDType (specific CB0, can be CUID, GUID, RUID, ParentID, InfoObjectID (default))
* iDocID
* sReportName (legacy: sReport ?)
* sPartContext (specific CB0)
* sReportPart (specific CB0)
* sReportMode
* sInstance (specific CB0)
* lsM*, lsR*, lsS* and lsC*
* sRefresh (legacy: Refresh, sForceRefresh)
* sOutputFormat
* sViewer
* sWindow
* sMode
* Page (only legacy ?)
* sKind (specific CB1)
* token
* sf
* buttonrefresh
* buttonexport
* buttonprint

//From this list we define an array containing all authorized parameters.
//We removed the implicit parameters passed to IV (docname, id, repotype, doctype)
//and the parameter already handled by this page's logic (ls* for prompts and sRefresh)
var stAutorizedParams = new Array(
// "sRepoType", "RepoType",
// "sDocName", "sDoc",
// "sType", "sTyp",
// "sIDType", // now the ID type for crystal is stored inside the id
// "iDocID",
"sReportName", "sReport",
// "lsM*", "lsR*", "lsS*", "lsC*",
// "sRefresh", "Refresh", "sForceRefresh",
"sWindow", // is handled here but passed to viewer anyway (in case of the viewer wants to know it is opened in a window)
// "sEntry", // for future usage
// "sKind",
// "token",

var stHandledParams = new Array(
"sRepoType", "RepoType",
"sDocName", "sDoc",
"sType", "sTyp",
"sIDType", // now the ID type for crystal is stored inside the id
"lsM*", "lsR*", "lsS*", "lsC*",
"sRefresh", "Refresh", "sForceRefresh",
"sEntry", // for future usage

//get the corresponding hashtable for faster lookup (+lowercase keys)
var htHandledParams = new Array(stHandledParams.length);
for (var ii = 0 ; ii < stHandledParams.length ; ii++) {
htHandledParams[stHandledParams[ii].toLowerCase()] = "Y";

//get parameters
var sDocName = "" + Request.QueryString("sDoc");
if(sDocName == "undefined" || sDocName == "") sDocName = "" + Request.QueryString("sDocName");
if(sDocName == "undefined" || sDocName == "") sDocName = "untitled";

//special CB0, Crystal uses different ID types. Read this value here
var sIDType = "" + Request.QueryString("sIDType"); if (sIDType == "undefined") sIDType = "";
sIDType = sIDType.toLowerCase();

var sDocID = "" + Request.QueryString("iDocID");
if(sDocID == "undefined" || sDocID == "") sDocID = "0"; //default
var iDocID = 0;
if (sIDType != "cuid"
&& sIDType != "guid"
&& sIDType != "ruid"
&& sIDType != "parentid"
&& strIsNumeric(sDocID)) { //this is not a crystal special ID type, but a normal numeric ID (BO or InfoObjectID)
iDocID = sDocID - 0;
sDocID = "" + iDocID;

var sDocType = "" + Request.QueryString("sType");
if(sDocType == "undefined" || sDocType == "") sDocType = "" + Request.QueryString("sTyp");
if(sDocType == "undefined" || sDocType == "") sDocType = "" + Request.QueryString("sDocType");

//check parameter type
if(sDocType == "W") sDocType = "wqy";
else if(sDocType == "R") sDocType = "rep";
else if(sDocType == "B") sDocType = "bqy";

//not used but here for consistancy
var documentDomain = "" + Request.QueryString("sRepo");
if(documentDomain == "undefined" || documentDomain == "") documentDomain = "Document";

var documentRepoType = "" + Request.QueryString("RepoType");
if(documentRepoType == "undefined" || documentRepoType == "") documentRepoType = "" + Request.QueryString("sRepoType");
if(documentRepoType == "undefined" || documentRepoType == "") documentRepoType = "0";

var iDocRepoType = "0";
//not sure if the repo is C,M,I or corporate etc
if(documentRepoType == "Inbox" || documentRepoType == "inbox" || documentRepoType == "I" || documentRepoType == "1")
documentRepoType = "1";
else if(documentRepoType == "personal" || documentRepoType == "Personal" || documentRepoType == "M" || documentRepoType == "2")
documentRepoType = "2";

//we use the sIDType param to know what kind of ID is the resource
//the documentRepoType will depend on that:
//CUID, GUID, RUID or ParentID => documentRepoType = "10"
//others (unspecified or InfoObjectID) => documentRepoType = "0", assimiled to a BOBJ corporate resource
if ( sIDType == "cuid" ||
sIDType == "guid" ||
sIDType == "ruid" ||
sIDType == "parentid") {
documentRepoType = "10"; //special faked repotype for this type of resource
sDocID = sIDType + "," + sDocID; //a composite ID to remind ID type: <sIDType>,<sDocID>. Will be parsed by crystal viewers

else documentRepoType = "0";

//other values can go here

//These I am not sure of
//var documentReport = "" + Request.QueryString("Report");
//var documentPage = "" + Request.QueryString("Page");
//var documentHide = "" + Request.QueryString("Hide");

var bRefresh = false;
var sRefresh = "" + Request.QueryString("Refresh");
if(sRefresh == "undefined" || sRefresh == "") sRefresh = "" + Request.QueryString("sRefresh");
if(sRefresh == "undefined" || sRefresh == "") sRefresh = "" + Request.QueryString("sForceRefresh");

if(sRefresh != "undefined" || sRefresh != "") bRefresh = (sRefresh == "Y" || sRefresh == "yes")? true : false;

var sDocToken = ""; //null presumably

var sKind = "" + Request.QueryString("sKind");
var token = "" + Request.QueryString("token");

open doc with prompts feature:
- check for lsS or lsM
- we do this here and then encode the URL
- the prompts need to be regathered at the viewer end using the same technique
//===============PROMPT GATHERING=======================//
//var hasNAII = false;
var prompts = "";
var sOtherParams = "";
var e = Request.QueryString.GetEnumerator();
while( e.MoveNext() )
var name = "" + e.Current;
var params = Request.QueryString.GetValues(name);
if ((name.indexOf("lsS")==0) || (name.indexOf("lsM")==0) || (name.indexOf("lsC")==0))
if (prompts != "") prompts += "&"; //add & for correct url
if (sDocType == "wid")
{ //wid use a ; seperated list
prompts += URLEncodeUTF8(name) + "="; //convert to ; seperated list
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
//Must encode ; character to get the whole QueryString encoded
prompts += (i > 0 ? URLEncodeUTF8(";") : "") + URLEncodeUTF8(params);
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
prompts += (i > 0 ? "&" : "") + URLEncodeUTF8(name) + "=" + URLEncodeUTF8(params);
else if (name.indexOf("NAII") > -1)
hasNAII = true; //related to prompts only, has no value
else if (name.indexOf("lsR")==0) { //added for CB0, range prompt (eg: &lsRCity=[Austin..Chicago])
prompts += (prompts != "" ? "&" : "") + URLEncodeUTF8(name) + "=" + URLEncodeUTF8(""+Request.QueryString(name));
else if (typeof(htHandledParams[name.toLowerCase()]) == "undefined") { //don't pass already handled params
sOtherParams += (sOtherParams != "" ? "&" : "") + URLEncodeUTF8(name) + "=" + URLEncodeUTF8(""+Request.QueryString(name));
}//eof enumeration

//build the uid in the infoview style:
//uid is under the form <name>,<id>,<repotype>,<doctype>,<SDK token>. Ex : "3Reports_2onlyhavesections,39614,0,rep,"
var sDocUID = sDocName + C_SEP + sDocID + C_SEP + documentRepoType + C_SEP + sDocType + C_SEP + sDocToken + C_SEP + sKind;

//cmdP1 = the docuid
var sRespURL = "documentXML.aspx?token=" + URLEncodeUTF8(token) + "&cmdP1=" + URLEncodeUTF8(sDocUID);

//cmdP2 has the prompts and other parameters
var cmdP2 = prompts /* + (hasNAII ? "&NAII=" : "") */; //URL chunk for prompts and NAII
if (sOtherParams != "" && cmdP2 != "") cmdP2 += "&";
cmdP2 += sOtherParams;

//cmdP2 can be used for the extra parameter values like prompts, report and page
//NB: a new type of URL redirection can now be specified using askPromptView for cmd
if (prompts != "")
sRespURL += "&cmd=askPromptView&cmdBlock=all&cmdP2=" + URLEncodeUTF8(cmdP2);
sRespURL += "&cmd=askView&cmdBlock=all&cmdP2=" + URLEncodeUTF8((cmdP2 == "" ? "" : (cmdP2 + "&")) + "sRefresh=yes&refresh=Y");
sRespURL += "&cmd=askView&cmdBlock=all&cmdP2=" + URLEncodeUTF8(cmdP2); //need cmdP2 for other parameters
//saves the real document URL into HTTP session, in case we have to login
Session("extRedirectionURL") = sRespURL;

Session.CodePage = 65001; //re-set the codepage to UTF8 for writing this page result
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language='javascript1.3'>
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL, winName, features, bUnique) {
var _winName = winName;
if (!bUnique) {
var dtemp = new Date();
_winName = _winName + dtemp.getTime();
pop = window.open(theURL, _winName, features);
pop.opener = self;

function getQueryParamValue(strQueryString, strParamName) {
var strRet = "";
if("undefined" != typeof(strQueryString) && strQueryString != null) {
var arrQueryParam = strQueryString.split('&');
for (var i=0;i<arrQueryParam.length;i++) {
var strName = arrQueryParam;
var strValue = "";
var iPos = arrQueryParam.indexOf('=');
if (iPos>=0) {
strName = arrQueryParam.substring(0, iPos);
strValue = arrQueryParam.substring(iPos + 1);
if (strParamName == strName) {
strRet = strValue;
return strRet;

function findParent() {
var sWindow = Request.QueryString("sWindow"); if (sWindow == null) sWindow = "Same";
var bNewWin = false;
if (sWindow != "Same") {
bNewWin = true;
//if sWindow != New then the provided string is the identifier of the new window

if (bNewWin) {
MM_openBrWindow('<%=sRespURL %>', '<%=sWindow %>', '', <%=(sWindow == "New" ? "false" : "true") %>); //toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,width=' + width + ',height=' + height, false);
else {
var found = false;
var frameToFind = "XML.aspx";
var obj = window;
try {
while (!found && typeof(obj.parent) != "undefined" && obj.parent != obj) { //escape clause please
var loc = "" + obj.parent.document.location;
if (loc.indexOf(frameToFind) < 0) {
obj = obj.parent;
else {
found = true;
catch(e) { //cross domain issue ? assume that this URL is like an external one
found = false;

//if test needed
if (found) { //open in parent ie documentXML or myInfoviewXML frame level
obj = obj.parent;
if (("" + obj.document.location.href).indexOf("documentXML.aspx") > 0) {
//we are in documentXML frameset, let's stack the current documentXML URL (including possibly new token)
//to allow backward navigation (close) history
//we ask the action header bar the real UID of the (previously) opened doc
if (typeof(obj.parent.push) != "undefined" && typeof(obj.getDocUID) != "undefined") { //the stack should be defined in webiHome.jsp
//calculate the URL, knowing the current docUID, and asking viewer for the last storage token
var curDocUID = obj.getDocUID();
var sURL = "documentXML.aspx?ctxLayout_last=fromSession&cmdBlock=all&cmd=askView&cmdP1=" + URLEncodeUTF8(curDocUID); //here is the real URL to come back to the currently opened document
obj.parent.push(sURL, obj.timeStamp); //push this URL into the stack, and stamp it to help manage browser's back/forward
if (typeof(obj.asyncOpenDocument) != "undefined") {
var bIE = (document.all ? true : false);
var sViewerURL = obj.frames[1].location.href;
var sViewType = getQueryParamValue(sViewerURL, "ViewType") ;
obj.asyncOpenDocument('<%=sRespURL%>'); //asynchronous launch of URL
if (!bIE || sViewType != "P") { //Don't do back if the document is wid or rep and viewed on PDF on IE
//FR 103137, apparently acroread on IE is already doing this...
else obj.document.location.href = '<%=sRespURL%>';
else { //this should handle the external URL case ...
//document.location.href = '<%="/" + Application("wiroot") + "/scripts/login/topStart.html"%>';
document.location.replace('<%="/" + Application("wiroot") + "/scripts/login/topStart.html"%>');
var mywin = window;
while (mywin != mywin.parent && mywin.parent && (mywin.name == 'ceframe' || mywin.name == 'documentFrame000hb')) {
mywin = mywin.parent;
<BODY onload='findParent();'></BODY>

Thank you very much, the code worked..I guess the folks at Business Objects should be informed about the problem.
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Part and Inventory Search

