My wife has a G5 IMac, she's had it about a year and we bought it from someone on Craigslist. It has been a pretty good computer but about September all of a sudden it wouldnt come out of sleep mode. You'd move the mouse or hit a key on the keyboard and the little blinking light would stop blinking. You could still hear or feel the power supply fans going so it was still running. So she'd hold the power button down for a few seconds then restart it. When restarting the bluetooth would disappear from Control Panel and then she'd get no keyboard or mouse.
I read a temp fix was to unplug the Mac and hold the power down and plug it back in. That fixed it but a few days later it'd do it all over again. So the first time we drug her Mac to the Apple store I had fixed it doing the ole power button plug fix and they told us they couldn't find anything wrong (even though we told them to let it go to sleep for a few hours and try to wake it up) so they told us to leave the bluetooth "broke" and bring it in next time it happened. Which was only a few days later.
When we brought it in to the Apple store the second time the bluetooth was replaced but we still had the problem with it not waking up from sleep. We brought it back a third time and and no problem was found. It worked fine for a few weeks, but again it would die when trying to wake up from sleep. By this time both my wife and I were pretty ticked we keep dragging this computer all the way across town for the same problem. Finally on our last visit, about 2 weeks ago, they replaced the power supply and so far so good. With one exception
About a week ago the bluetooth just disappeared again. But this time the Mac woke up from sleep mode like it's supposed to. I tried to do the ole power plug fix to no avail. So I did a Google search and found a post on some other website about someone having a similar problem and that the bluetooth is shared by the USB bus.
I had a USB hub plugged in as well as a Samsung laser printer to the USB ports on the back of the computer. I unplugged the printer and magically the bluetooth showed up in Control Panel.
Has anyone else heard of any problems like ours? Is my wife stuck without a printer? How can I resolve this issue?
Thanks for any help!
The answer is always "PEBKAC!
I read a temp fix was to unplug the Mac and hold the power down and plug it back in. That fixed it but a few days later it'd do it all over again. So the first time we drug her Mac to the Apple store I had fixed it doing the ole power button plug fix and they told us they couldn't find anything wrong (even though we told them to let it go to sleep for a few hours and try to wake it up) so they told us to leave the bluetooth "broke" and bring it in next time it happened. Which was only a few days later.
When we brought it in to the Apple store the second time the bluetooth was replaced but we still had the problem with it not waking up from sleep. We brought it back a third time and and no problem was found. It worked fine for a few weeks, but again it would die when trying to wake up from sleep. By this time both my wife and I were pretty ticked we keep dragging this computer all the way across town for the same problem. Finally on our last visit, about 2 weeks ago, they replaced the power supply and so far so good. With one exception
About a week ago the bluetooth just disappeared again. But this time the Mac woke up from sleep mode like it's supposed to. I tried to do the ole power plug fix to no avail. So I did a Google search and found a post on some other website about someone having a similar problem and that the bluetooth is shared by the USB bus.
I had a USB hub plugged in as well as a Samsung laser printer to the USB ports on the back of the computer. I unplugged the printer and magically the bluetooth showed up in Control Panel.
Has anyone else heard of any problems like ours? Is my wife stuck without a printer? How can I resolve this issue?
Thanks for any help!
The answer is always "PEBKAC!