Ok I am an avid gamer and this all started when I placed another 512 chip of ram in my rig. Guess they did not match up correctly and I would crash outta games. So I removed the chip and went back to the old ram. No when in game I can play for a bit but I get the blue screen of death.Oh btw I flashed my BIOS as well. I have an AMD athlon 1.4 gig overclocked to a 1.92. Nforce2 Mobo, Phoneix Bios,Maxtor HD,epox is the maker of the MOBO i believe. I decided to flash the Bios when I would get these Blue screens. Now when I run this program called disk investigator it tells me this I/O error Yzx or A disk error occurred NTLDR is missing....NTLDR is compressed...Press control ALT DEL to restart. Ok things I have done are reinstall XP by repairing it,reinstalling service pak 1 and my next step is to reformat. My question is: Is it easily fixable or should I just reformat?