Over the last few days the filenames on my computer have been turning black to blue. I don't know what's causing it, but it does seem to be "spreading."
I've used Symantec's Klez virus remover, but it came up as not being effected by Klez (I had received an email earlier possibly contaning the virus). I've used both McAfee and Housecall in order to detect viruses. Neither found any, but both completed their scans, they weren't interupted like what Klez does. According to every anti-virus scan I've attempted my computer is clean. Yet more and more of my files are turning blue, I don't even no if this is harmful.
Here is an image from my system directory, to better explain:
I'm using XP pro and is updated with every new MS patch. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I've used Symantec's Klez virus remover, but it came up as not being effected by Klez (I had received an email earlier possibly contaning the virus). I've used both McAfee and Housecall in order to detect viruses. Neither found any, but both completed their scans, they weren't interupted like what Klez does. According to every anti-virus scan I've attempted my computer is clean. Yet more and more of my files are turning blue, I don't even no if this is harmful.
Here is an image from my system directory, to better explain:
I'm using XP pro and is updated with every new MS patch. Any suggestions would be appreciated.