while allowing access to NIC 2. This is in a lab situation and no matter how often I say something people change things or try to go out the wrong interface - making my job harder as I have to go back and fix.
So I want to block them from changing the "School" NIC while allowing them access to the "LAB" NIC
On a related note - how can I have both cards active and working "w/o IP forwarding"
If i turn on the lab NIC all a sudden I cant get the internet. I tried
route add (gateway) IF 2
but it doesnt help; basically I want anything 192.168.x.x to go to the LAB NIC and everything else to go out the SCHOOL NIC
Any ideas - I am not much of a Windows guru
So I want to block them from changing the "School" NIC while allowing them access to the "LAB" NIC
On a related note - how can I have both cards active and working "w/o IP forwarding"
If i turn on the lab NIC all a sudden I cant get the internet. I tried
route add (gateway) IF 2
but it doesnt help; basically I want anything 192.168.x.x to go to the LAB NIC and everything else to go out the SCHOOL NIC
Any ideas - I am not much of a Windows guru