The is a repeat of a previos question which nobody was able to respond to. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.<br><br>I can't get Crystal to display a graphic that is contained in SQL 7 in a blob field.<br><br>In SQL 7 in the PUBS database (which is installed as a part of SQL 7, I guess for examples) there is a table called PUB_INFO and inside of it a field called LOGO. There are several company logos - and I have seen in the documentation what they are supposed to look like.<br><br>If you create a new report in Crystal using the standard report wizard, and add only one field which is the LOGO, and then hit preview, Crystal starts a report - but the field isn't there in the details. You can add it in by doing and "Insert, Database field" and then all you get is the 1 inch box. You can see that the report prints the appropriate amount of data records corresponding to the actual records in the table, but the BLOB field graphic data is not displayed.<br><br>I have also tried connecting through ODBC rather than the Crystal SQL Server connection - same result.<br><br><br>