We use Illustrator to build files for a 6 color press. Normally this means CMYK + 2 spot colors.
C,M,Y & K can all be blended together in percentages ranging from 0-100%. Spot colors can be used by themselves in values ranging from 0-100%.
My question is, can Spot PMS colors be blended with CMYK values in Illustrator? I know about transparency, and you could 'fake it' by overlaying a transparent Spot overtop a CMYK blend. But is there a way to add another slider to the blend swatch, and be able to blend whatever colors I want? ie, 4 colors + a spot? Blend two spots together by themselves? Any combination I want? If I'm not explaining this well, let me know. Thanks in advance,
We use Illustrator to build files for a 6 color press. Normally this means CMYK + 2 spot colors.
C,M,Y & K can all be blended together in percentages ranging from 0-100%. Spot colors can be used by themselves in values ranging from 0-100%.
My question is, can Spot PMS colors be blended with CMYK values in Illustrator? I know about transparency, and you could 'fake it' by overlaying a transparent Spot overtop a CMYK blend. But is there a way to add another slider to the blend swatch, and be able to blend whatever colors I want? ie, 4 colors + a spot? Blend two spots together by themselves? Any combination I want? If I'm not explaining this well, let me know. Thanks in advance,